Friday, December 13, 2013

Influential Portraits; Irving Penn

Irving Penn was born on June 16, 1970 in Plainfield New Jersey and died on October 7, 2009.  Penn was best known for his fashion photography. Originally penn wanted to become a painter but had got a job with Vouge magazine in the 1940s and then focoused on photograhy. He only shot in black and white. He was one of the first photographers to pose a subject against a simple grey or white backdrop. He had also took maby Penn had photographed many famous people.


My group has been inspired by irving penn because he had took amazing close up portraits. Penn had insipred us to take only take up close focous portaits.  He insipred us to shoot in black an and white. Eventhough a picture is not in color it can still be powerful and say alot about a person. Penn insipred us to take photos with the subject looking away.  We realized that taking a photo with somone looking away usually comes out better. I believe the pictures had came out better because the person was less nervous and wasn't concerned about blinking. He has also inspired us to have our subject with a serious face. Serious faces make beauty stand out more and allows you too see someones eyes better and facial beauty.

My Weebly

Monday, December 2, 2013

Portraits - How Can You Take Better Portraits

Digital Portrait Photography Tips

20 Tips On Portrait Photography

Portrait Posing Tips

Tips And Tricks For Better Portrait Photography

Portrait Camera Setting

Portrait Lighting Tips

5 Portrait Photography Tips

Portrait Photography Tutorial

25 Portrait Photography Tips

Beginners Portrait Photography Tips

1. I have learned that in portrait photography lighting is very important. I have learned that the lighting were you are talking the picture effects the persons face. You have to be able to find the perfect lighting to get a nice clear picture of there face.

2. I have learned that the pose of the person is very important to portrait photography. The better you pose someone the better the picture will come out. Certain poses will allow you to see more of the face then others.  The perfect pose will give you the perfect picture.

3. I have also learned that having your camera on the correct settings help you take a better photo. If you do not have your photo on the correct settings you may not get a very great photo. You need to always make sure to adjust your settings before taking a potrait picture.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Bryan Farleys Website Critique

         There are several photography websites from all around the world. Some Photographers have there own and others are in a group. I think it is unique for every individual photographer to have ther own website. It is wonderful to be able to see there art and how talented they are. I am currently going too be reviewing my photgraphy teacher Bryan Farleys website. His photography website is very unique and shows the wonderful skills he has.
         This Photographer provides all his information clearley on his webiste. He provides a contact number and also provides a little about himself. Providing information is important in case any one would like to contact you for a photoshoot. It is also important because if you do not provide information no body may ever recognize your work they might think you are a fake. I believe that it is important to be reconized for the work you have done. Photography is very imoprtnant one photograph can say a million words. It is important to show your talent off to the world and to show how you are creative and differnt then other photographers. Bryan farleys does a wonderful job providing us with clear information on his photography website.
     On this photographers website he provides all his photos that he has taken on a gallery. In this gallery he has seperated these photos by groups and made them into albums. I believe that it is wonderful how his pictures are seperated because it gives people the opportinty too see a specific photoshoot he has done. It is very neat to provide your photos in albums and it is also well orginized. I believe that Bryan Farleys website is well orginized and provides all information clearly . His website works great and does not have any glitches. This photogropher provides us with a wonderful website i dont believe it needs any changes.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Cropping for Better Composition - Advanced Photo


The cropped photo illustrates the pattern rule of composition , because there is a pattern of the bubbles . The bubbles are in a line behind one another. The faris wheel in the background is also pattern because it goes in a circle but is always the same. the pattern of the faris wheel is the carrages repeating. i choose this photo because i thought it was unique how the bubbles were in a line and how it looks like water was shattering over them. i also thought it was unique how the sun appeared in the photo. It makes the bubble look shiny and i also thought it was umique how it only appeared on to ne bubble and not all. The faris wheel in the background makes the picture look more fun and exciting. i believe this picture had good lighting and was taken at a good angle. 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Pattern In Composition Photos

Canon T3i

The canon T3i has excellent image quality. The images that you take come out very clear and sharp. This camera is also very easy too grip. Another thing that i have noticed about this camera is that this camera focouses extremly fast with auto focous. Some of the cons about this camera is that it is not that great to shoot sports with. The reasin why it is not that great with sports shooting is because it has a slow frame rate.When this camera is exposed to sunlight it tends to over expose .There are no micro adjusments. Overall i believe this camera is a good camera though.

Canon T3i review website

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Cannon Review

The canon EOS 7D has a fast shooting speed and a great auto focous system. The camera comes with a self cleaning sensor. There are 6 different picture styles on this camera such as standard, portrait, landscape, and neutral. This camera allows you to shoot in full HD. It also allows you to shoot video in full HD. This camera allows you to caputre crisp photos even when you think it is impossible. This is a great welll working camera.

The canon EOS 60D is designed for both videographers and still photography. This camera can handle many resolutions you will be surprised. This camera can take great pictures in light and in the dark. This camera can capyure up to 5.3 frames per second. This camera has no lens micro adjusment. This camera is known as a downgrade. This camera has a bulit in pop up flash. This camera can become very dusty and when it gets dusty it needs too be clean with a cloth it is very delecate.

The canon EOS rebel T3 makes a great entry point. This camera has a great meter system. This camer has a 3 inch anti reflective LCD display for easy viewing. This camera does not contain a wireless flash. This camera is great to caputre motion pictures. This camera gives excellent color reproduction.With this camera you may need an SD card too save your photos. The reason why you need a SD card is because th image file is big. This camera had a rubber body which allows you to have a better grip of it.

Canon Camera Review

Canon review

Canon EOS 70D review

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Yosemite and photography


pop Laval, a Central Valley photographer, started photographing Yosemite nearly 100 years ago. How did he make money? Did Yosemite pay him?
  1. Pop Laval had made his money by photographing at many different places. Yosemite did pay Pop Laval to photograph the park.

Who makes the most interesting photographs of Yosemite now? How are the images created? Are photographers paid to photograph Yosemite? If you were photographing Yosemite, what would you do? What would you want to do?

2.  Ken and Brady
 are two people who capture beautiful photgraphs of Yosemite weddings. Ken and Brady are photogrphers who uniquely capture the perfect moments of weedings. They both always seem to be focoused and determined to get the perfect photos. If i was photographig in yosemite i would want to take many nature photos. For example i would like to take pictures of the different insects that are in the park. i would also enjoy taking photos of the waterfalls. I would want to take pictures of the waterfalls because i feel as if they are peaceful. i would also enoy taking photos of my friends and family with the beautiful nature behind them.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Photo Booth Photos

 This filter is sepia. i choose this filter because it reminds me of and old photograph. i also choose this filter because it makes my skin tone look even.

 This filter is pop art, i choose this filter because i thought it was unique. I like how there are 4 photos and each one is a different color.

 This filter is thermal camera. I choose this filter because it changes my skin color but is still a unique i like how there are 3 different color in this picture.

 This filter is glow, i choose this filter because it makes my skin look soft and smooth. I like how this photo also darkens my hair .

 This filter is comic book, i choose this filter because it makes me look funny. The dots make the photo interesting and is something different.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Composition Cropped Photos





Wednesday, August 28, 2013

First assignment light

I seen the light give a shadow to someone who was wearing a hood. You could not really see there face it was dark. As soon as they took off there hood you could see there whole entire face nice and bright. There white shirt brought there face out even more and made all the shadows go away.