There are several photography websites from all around the world. Some Photographers have there own and others are in a group. I think it is unique for every individual photographer to have ther own website. It is wonderful to be able to see there art and how talented they are. I am currently going too be reviewing my photgraphy teacher Bryan Farleys website. His photography website is very unique and shows the wonderful skills he has.
This Photographer provides all his information clearley on his webiste. He provides a contact number and also provides a little about himself. Providing information is important in case any one would like to contact you for a photoshoot. It is also important because if you do not provide information no body may ever recognize your work they might think you are a fake. I believe that it is important to be reconized for the work you have done. Photography is very imoprtnant one photograph can say a million words. It is important to show your talent off to the world and to show how you are creative and differnt then other photographers. Bryan farleys does a wonderful job providing us with clear information on his photography website.
On this photographers website he provides all his photos that he has taken on a gallery. In this gallery he has seperated these photos by groups and made them into albums. I believe that it is wonderful how his pictures are seperated because it gives people the opportinty too see a specific photoshoot he has done. It is very neat to provide your photos in albums and it is also well orginized. I believe that Bryan Farleys website is well orginized and provides all information clearly . His website works great and does not have any glitches. This photogropher provides us with a wonderful website i dont believe it needs any changes.